Flagship course

EOC Information Analyst Course


This course provides EOC personnel with the fundamentals of intelligence analysis. Effective analysis involves the ability to discern meaning from disparate pieces of information. This is both art and science. Information analysis is the foundational skillset required for developing institutional situational awareness during EOC activation.

This course includes detailed instruction covering analysis concepts, theory, capabilities, tools, and techniques for achieving a more effective situation development capability in support of emergency operations. 

Despite the importance having an effective EOC situational development capability for all types of incidents, there are few resources available for individuals and teams to improve their capabilities in this arena. This course is designed to build the analytical skills, knowledge, and capabilities of individuals, teams, and organizations involved in all-hazards, all-phases of emergency preparedness response and recovery. 

The course supports the Communications and Information Management component of the National Incident Management System (NIMS).


Target Audience:

  • Emergency managers and responders

  • Federal, state, and local law enforcement

  • Public safety, fire, homeland security, and policy makers

EOC Situational Awareness and Common Operating Picture (SA/COP) course

8 hours

Contact us for more information


This 8-hour course provides EOC personnel from every section with the tools and techniques to analyze information, determine why the information is important to current EOC operations, and how to forecast events expected to occur hours, days, and weeks into the future.

Upon course completion participants will be able to:

  • Describe the critical role of information during an EOC activation
  • Understand the fundamentals of developing situational awareness
  • Explain the Five-Layer SA/COP approach
  • Develop and apply EOC Standing Information Requirements
  • Demonstrate a basic approach for information analysis
  • Explain a set of constructs, tools, and frameworks for effective analysis
  • Describe and support the analytical arc and analytical focus of an unfolding operational period